Friday, 11 October 2013

Fight or Flight response

Yesterday we were going out to dinner and after coming out of the bottle shop and walking down the street a man out of nowhere decided to do a very hard side-kick into the side of a lady's head outside the discount store.  It was early in the evening, still light out in a busy street/walkway and he stumbled back after the kick and initially I thought they must be joking around.  I was going to do something, but my wife said don't do anything, just move ahead, he's probably crazy.  He just followed us for a bit and then moved across to a bench.

It was strange, no one really did anything to stop this guy, he just walked away.  We were all witnesses to something pretty ugly and no one could step in to stop him really.  It was like everyone was thinking the same thing, this guy is probably psychotic and could be capable of anything.  He just hit a women in full view without seeming provocation.  In days gone by a man hitting a women like this would attract severe retribution and perhaps it still should.  My wife was obviously concerned for my safety and she made me question what I should do, change my instincts, which were to do something.

In this particular case, everyone around seemed to be questioning themselves whether or not to do something, some ladies near by at least rang the police straight away to come.  I thought there might be CCTV footage somewhere at least where they would catch the guy.

That was our start to the night out, we then proceeded to dinner to meet friends and told them about our run in.  My friend said straight away I would have bashed the guy "Who does that to a women" he said, and I thought straight away, I wish I had done the same.  I said "Let's go now and find him", "It's probably not too late to find the guy."

Today, I rang the police to find out if it was reported and I was glad to hear the incident was reported and that they did have footage of the incident.  Perhaps some justice will be served after the event, and they said the lady was okay, nothing broken, just a little shaken up.

truth about drugs

Drugs, pharmaceutical, recreational, street drugs, societies have been taking them through the ages at one time or another.  In recent times, I have had to take pain killers and have enjoyed the calming affect on severe pain they have offered.  Seems okay and perfectly alright when they are prescribed for pain you are exhibiting of very painful things happening to your body.

When younger, I knew people who took drugs recreationally, when it was the thing to do at dance parties.  Ecstasy just hit the streets and lot's of people were taking them to get you to that place on a Saturday night at the latest dance party or rave in a location you had no previous knowledge of ever existing within your city limits.  It seemed okay, we were young and that's what the young were doing at that time.  It wasn't often for most people, it was just on those big occasions,you didn't need the feeling 24x7, only when the occasion called for an extra boost, or liftoff to make it a memorable night.

Now, for instance a friend's son, who is at this age and the friend is now experiencing what it must have been like for their parents, the worry if your kids are taking drugs or not, but it's a little different now.  Now you know what they are doing, now it's a little more open with your child, if you are lucky, the dialogue of what they are doing, what they are taking when they go out to a club or an event.  When they say they are taking ecstasy tabs into a big event, you think okay, be careful, try not to get caught, but they don't really want to listen.

You are still young, you say to them, what about if you get caught now, it means a criminal record, if you have a conviction against your name, that could be a bad thing.  You might never be able to travel to certain countries, or find work there.  Certain career choices might not be available to you, all for a quick thrill with legally outlawed substances that have penalties associated with their use and carriage upon person.

They (the kid's) know the risk they are taking and are still prepared to take this risk, unlike in our days of Hordern dance parties and raves which weren't policed, today they are.  Drug sniffing dogs, police outside and inside venues, venue staff working with the police to tip them off.  This all conspires to make the journey for our youth through these experimental times, much harder than it appeared or was for us.

What's strange about this, is with all this knowledge and all these risks, the kids are still doing it, despite all the warning's crackdowns, even instances of where their friends have been caught with harsh consequences. I don't think it's unique to us here in Australia either, but perhaps our young are paying harsher penalties for experimentation.  How do drugs still get taken at these venues, how do they beat the sniffer dogs and searches?  Is it a case of just sheer penetration of numbers of people taking them into these venues that they can't catch everyone of them.  The kids are smart too, they get their girlfriends to wrap them up and put them you know where to beat the sniffer dogs.  Is it just a token presence the police are giving at the venues and even they know they won't really be able to do much against it, catch the odd drug dealer and they are happy with those kind of results.

I would be happier obviously if we moved away from this drug, drinking culture that we have found ourselves in these days. I think you have to be careful when you make these blanket statements though, I think it's worse in certain age groups and even worse in some cities, in some Ice has crippled communities. It's hard, it really is, how did we get ourselves to this point, drugs cost and then they cost some more, on the people who take them and on society as a whole.  Has the crackdown policing worked, or have things gotten worse?

On some level, I hope and trust that my friends son, is/was like the generation before and just going through a phase, a time or passage, that he is smart enough to navigate his way through successfully and not get caught or punished.  He has some awareness, as does his dad and I have some awareness of what he is going through.  We all went through the same kind of stuff.  His father is there for him, and an example in a way to him, he got through and he's okay, a fully functioning adult, with no dependencies on drugs or alcohol.  I really thought it would be easier by now and I am surprised to find it's not in a way, it's harder for kids and teenagers now, the same as us though, they don't open up too readily (these boys) so it's hard to gauge how prevalent it is right now amongst their peers.

In our circle of friends and their kids, we already know 2 kids of friends that have been caught with more than 1 or 2 tablets and they risk very harsh penalties and a criminal record.

In a positive way we are more open about this sort of thing and there is much more information about everything, yet at the same time there is more of a crackdown and criminalisation of it, which is out of whack when applied to all teenagers, who all seem to be doing, just what some of us did, nothing more (apart from ice), which is on the rise again.

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Near end of world scenario

I would like to expand on a previous philosophical concept idea around the potential use/misuse of technology to save mankind in a bleak future on the brink of extinction.  If you like, it's kind of like a future war of the world's where technology versus God

history of supercomputers so far  (2 - nil)
supercomputers vs Chess master (initially lost but then famously won, (Deep Blue vs Gary Kasparov)
supercomputers vs Jeopardy (US game show) (also initially lost but won, when new logic algorithms were added)

There's this overriding idea that technology and the spread of it and the power of it is only good and can only come to good.  We are driving this idea every day, living this dream of short term obsolescence, whatever we buy today is obsolete by next year in a technology/computer sense.

What if this thinking is driving us to a point down the track that we cannot escape from or turn back, creating our own demise.

The NSA is already developing a huge data centre in the Utah dessert that can possibly hold all of the worlds data in a few years, for obvious reasons they believe this a good and desirous thing.

There is this philosophical idea too that perhaps in the future computers would be powerful enough to store all of mankind's information, details from the beginning of time, our very own human and animal DNA, our very essence and memories of every person that ever lived.

 For me this is where the philosophical gets a bit lost to the practical side, exactly how this could be done is a mystery. The idea is, that at some point in this future time, there might be some knowledge that the end is nigh and that the computers could save mankind by rebooting us back to the beginning (pretend they exist out in space somewhere safe from the annihilation).

At the second of annihilation or what those religious might believe is the Epiphany or Parousia                  (or the 2nd coming), (you see the computers are self-aware in the future and predictive and they will be able to tell), they will powerful enough and enough enough power to generate a new future world, where the whole thing gets replayed over again even creating physical worlds think very large 3D or 4D printer..   (perhaps also in a new time dimension vortex).

Who knows, we could be going through the 2nd or 49th reboot already, how would you know?  What if this happened and it prevented everyone's final ascension, if you like keeping us in a state of purgatory until the supercomputers die, for surely they would have to eventually.  There could also be a duality of existence at play, where everyone did ascend and we also live our replayed lives out at the same time, unbeknownst to both selves.

It is a funny philosophical idea this, that someone came up with and I espoused on, which kind of shows the stupid faith that we put on computers and technology in general.  More of a concern to me is the NSA and other US government agencies and there potential to start playing God, with the use of the first supercomputers (IBM) that can store all the world's flow of information, phone calls, emails, chat sessions, even the dark web.  Now how do you stop that? That which is already legislated for.

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Lost in translation - More like totally messed up in translation

My first post was called Greek Grandma, probably not my best post grammatically and most likely why it's meaning and content gets totally messed up during Google translate from English to German then back to English.

Here is an extract from the original post:

"You see i know her Grand daughter, her grand daughter is my wife's  younger sister's child.  My wife's younger sister was married to the Greek Grandmother's son for a while (and she had a child together with him). They have now been apart for a number of years and the Greek Grandma has probably not seen her grandchild for some time. "  ( Note: i have had to change this so it translates better than the original).

This is what it becomes through the Google translate tool:

You see, I know her grand-daughter, her granddaughter, my wife is the younger sister's child. My wife's sister was once the Greek Grandma's son (had a child together) have married and apart for some time and the Greek grandmother probably has not seen her granddaughter for some time.

I was wondering why I had a number of German blog followers, perhaps of the transgender variety given the changed content of this post.  I also wonder now, what the German translation might be of some of my other posts.  I would love to know from a German person if the Google translate tool is accurate in this case and how this post went over with you.

Given the global nature of bloggers and posts, it kind of does make you question what the perception might be when your posts are translated rightly (probably a rare thing) or wrongly and how this could impact your following and in this case potentially the reason for following.  Those Germans must have been thinking this Australian has one crazy messed up family! To those people, I am sorry to disappoint you.

If you are German and you are reading my posts, I would love to hear from you in the comments section if any of what I said has an element of truth or not in regards to how you view these posts in German.