Wednesday 30 January 2013

Alarm clock

Long ago, one sunny summer morning filled with regret as I left for work and lined up at the bus stop, to head for work in the city... i was blissfully unaware as i got on the bus that something was about to happen. You are already thinking about work and what you have to do that day and you are thinking life sucks, why do we have to work in crap jobs we don't like.
Anyway, on this day i got on the already crowded bus and i was thinking, great, no seat again, I'll have to stand all the way to the city.  The bus took off and we were crawling through traffic, most of the bus was very quiet as no one talks, we are all strangers, lost in our own transient thoughts.  Like a jolt, an alarm starts ringing and I am awoken from my commuter's daydream.  It sounds familiar this alarm, an old school manual alarm, it sounds insistent and loud and unstoppable.  The whole bus appears to have awoken from their slumber and generally looking in my direction, where the sound appears to be coming from.  I take off my backpack and fumble for the zipper to open the bag and see my big alarm clock from home and shut it down quick smart and try to act like nothing just happened, very casual (nothing going on here),  to the rest of the bus.  I am thinking to myself "bitch", fuck, my wife got me a good one, wait till i get my hands on her.  I laugh  to myself and think,  I will have to get my revenge and it will have to be good.  At least it added to what would have otherwise been just another drab working day and gave the rest of the bus something to think about as well.
I was thinking, God, my wife is so mature (not), why did i marry her again?  Why am i always the victim of her pranks and antics?  What will happen if this keeps up forever?  What if she never grows out of this?  Surely she has to at some point, you can't keep doing pranks through your adult life can you?  Would it be really, really boring if she did mature all of a sudden and started being all intellectual and forgot to have fun.

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