Wednesday 30 January 2013

The day my leg went to sleep

i think i was in 2nd class at my Primary school and it was a morning of a school assembly and it was an exceptionally long assembly this day, as they were giving out awards.  I remember we all had to sit down in our classes and it was hard as we all had our legs crossed for quite a while.  At some point, while Debbie Lambert was winning the award for best speller in her year, my left leg started getting pins and needles from being crossed and sat on for so long.  I went to get up for a brief moment to get some blood flow back, but was asked to sit back down quite aggressively by one of the teachers on watch... but, but I was trying to say my leg is going to sleep and i soon won't be able to feel it at all I was thinking as i sat back down.  I almost started to panic as i knew i was getting an award this day as well and it was a long way to walk up and accept the award.  I tried poking my leg and shifting my leg all to no avail, it was beyond pins and needles now and just felt numb.
Sure enough my name got called out and I just grinned and beared it!  Got up quickly and realized i didn't have any feeling in my left leg at all.. and started dragging myself like quazamodo towards the stage.  I was just hoping that some life would come back in my leg before i fell over and didn't make it.  As i was looking up towards the award giver, my leg gave way and i fell over a couple of first classers.. who were pretty good about it really.  I got up again and started hobbling towards the stage, so unsure on my leg that i almost gave up then and there on bothering to get the award.  I think a few people by this stage in my class were laughing quite heavily and I was just the most embarrassed and unsure i have been.  By the time i got to the stage, luckily some life came to my leg and i felt a bit more assurred as i excepted my award.  Bloody hell I thought that was an effort.  The teachers were not amused though and thought i was taking the Mickey and I  was punished for my leg going to sleep and for what they believed was me goofing off.
That's what it was like in those days, we did as we were told, even if it meant your legs going to sleep on you. Sit perfectly still for 1 hour.. sure thing, no choice.   I remember the people who were force fed a 400ml bottle of milk every morning, myself, I was willing (loved it).. but for those who didn't like milk and complained, for those few... it meant a vomit here or there.. all part of the daily routine.
On the plus side in those days.. remember being in 4th class and being able to hitch hike home from a football game with a friend and it all being cool and fun.

1 comment:

  1. I love this story. You really capture what it was like at school assemblies back in the day.
